Making a Difference in Someone Else’s Life

Dear all.
I have decided to share my thoughts on a regular basis via this personal blog of mine. Having been an educator for more than 4 decades now, I have decided to pay special attention and focus on a theme ‘Making a Difference in Someone’s Life” for postings in this blog. While I will also be sharing my thoughts on a variety of topics or areas, I would like to dedicate the postings in this blog, in playing my little part in making a difference in someone else’s life, who could be the children, women, underprivileged, and those in need of assistance and guidance to move up.
As Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘be the change you would like to witness in this world’. I am a firm believer that, merely talking, analyzing or providing ideas about issues and problems faced by the groups mentioned above wouldn’t solve any problems. Instead, it is important that each and everyone of us take it upon ourselves to do something, however small to make a difference in someone’s life. This is what Swami Vivekananda said, ‘…do something however small for the people who need help’.

  1. The UNICEF newsletter I just received has some data related to this topic.
    1. Approximately 57 million primary school-age children are not in school.
    2. Globally, over 22 million children are unvaccinated.
    3. Too many children still die of AIDS-related causes.
    4. Millions of children experience violence,
    5. Children are most vulnerable during conflicts and disasters.

The remedy is in instilling in each of the individual out there to do something within his or her means to those who is need.
God bless all.